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WidowX XM430 Robot Turret


108,361.00 (inc. GST)

Availability: Ships within 10 – 12 working days

Product Summary

WidowX XM430 Robot Turret:

  •  4096 positions
  • ROS Support
  • Definable PID Parameters
  • 2250g Payload
  • 4096 positions
  • ROS Support
  • Definable PID Parameters
  • 2250g Payload
  • The WidowX XM430 Robot Turret is a fully programmable pan and tilt system designed around the DYNAMIXEL DYNAMIXEL XM-430-W350-T

servos from Robotis. The servos offer a high resolution of 4096 positions and user definable PID parameters. Temperature monitoring, positional feedback as well as voltage levels, load and compliance settings are all user accessible as well. The WidowX XM430 Turret comes with the DYNAMIXEL U2D2 for ROS control and the CM9.04c for Serial Firmware control.

ROS packages for Kinetic and Melodic on Ubuntu Linux 16.04 and 18.04 make it easy to get started with the WidowX XM430 Turret. Packages include full meshes and URDFs (including accurate inertial models for the links), driver node that controls the physical robot and publishes joint states as well as gazebo and moveit support. Examples are also included to show users how the core packages work.