Business Operations

Dedicative Marketing team of Pincore called Bussinarea, carries complete in-house product management and marketing platform with Newest strategies to monitor Business operations. We describe business operations in every action taken within a company to keep it running and earning money is referred to collectively as business operations.
“Good marketing makes the company look Smart but great marketing makes the customer feel Smart”
The trends of Digital marketing creates the halogenation about marketing, which can only run through online but many of the B2B deals take over only through face to face marketing. We at Pincore started a Bussinarea with the mission of “People to People Connect” to support Solopreneurs and entrepreneurs to reach the proper clients to their product at the right time and our committed team has at its disposal of knowledge, skills and experience, necessary to find a relevant solution that strengthens your identity.
Pincore offers wide platforms for our clients such that classified into Marketing and Strategy.
Say you’re walking in one of the more popular streets in your city and you see a hoarding that just blows your mind away. Now, imagine the same thing in the online space. We capture the same emotion in the online space through compelling advertising that is at the right place at the right time in front of the right person. This includes using platforms that enable Search, Display, and Repeat Targeting to Content Seeding as well as use of a range of Ad Networks. And, yes, we still blow people’s minds away! Through Email writing, Bulk SMS Service, Advertisement etc.
B2B marketing techniques rely on the same basic principles as consumer marketing, but are executed in a unique way. While consumers choose products based not only on price but on popularity, status, and other emotional triggers, B2B buyers make decisions on price and profit potential alone.
Business-to-Customer Marketing refers to the tactics and best practices used to promote products and services among consumers. B2C Marketing differs from B2B marketing in a number of key ways, one being that it often depends on campaigns’ abilities to invoke emotional responses, rather than solely demonstrating value.
You want to hit the market with a bang, so you want to be everywhere on social media – Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram etc. We can put you everywhere, but would that make sense to your brand. Being at the right place at the right time makes sense and that’s what we at Pincore believe in when it comes to a Social Media Marketing plan. We help brands connect the right dots for optimized results.
Brand strategy integrates all activities – public relations, advertising, investor relations, interactive or internal communications – to manage your most precious asset: Your Brand. We help create an identity for your brand and define your position in the market. We then build the credibility and potential of your brand in the market with creativity and technology.
Commercial Strategy is a phrase that is used in reference to taking risks and making connections through ideas that changes the way people perceive things and, eventually, changes the way they live. We look to further your creative process; enable you to overcome blocks and conquer the market. Our long-term, commercial strategies ensure that you have an edge over your competitors, every time.
A Content Strategy is important to bring out your Unique Selling Proposition, what you stand for, and your voice in a busy marketplace. A brand’s success in the market is directly dependent on its content marketing strategy. As pioneers in engineering content strategies, we seize every opportunity to deliver mutually agreeable outcomes between your product/service and your customers.
What We Do?
We categorize our packages in to four different plans like Silver Plan, Gold Plan, Diamond Plan and Platinum Plan.

In the Silver Plan package provides Marketing Plan and Strategical Plan for the technical and commercial products.
This plan is especially for solopreneurs where company will take care of the marketing of product.
The Diamond Plan package provides dedicative team to support both online marketing and road marketing. This plan is for enterprise level product development companies.
The Platinum Package which we call as a premium plan of Pincore, we adopt and also ready to collaborate with the technological partners to take care complete content designing to online marketing and commercial marketing to B2B marketing.

we are dedicated
Why Chose Pincore?
Core competence
You might have the electronic design or components of the product ready, and you just want our help on the mechanical front of the product, or vice versa. We are equally capable with helping you on both or either of the product fronts.
best quality product
Pincore choses product quality over compromises. What Pincore renders is Quality Tested and Assured. We are here to bring ideas into reality. We work alongside your vision more than deadlines so that what you dream comes into reality.
electromechanical team
Pincore is a combination of two separate teams carrying expertise in Electronics and Mechanics which brings in skills, knowledge, and abilities in developing a product both technically sound and physically perfect.
Start your next project with us
Address List
- # 28, 1st Main Road,1st Cross, Shakthi Garden, Kalyan Nagara, Bengaluru-72
- +91-968-696-3065